Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Congressman John Tierney, Where Are You?!?!?

Congressman John Tierney is nowhere to be found as Bill Hudak and Citizens for Limited Taxation seek him for a spirited discussion
Where's Congressman John Tierney when you need him?

Whether it's controversial legislation such as Obama's health care reform package being tyrannically forced down the throats of the American people via a controversial use of the Sen. Byrd rule (aka reconciliation, aka nuclear option); or, not supporting responsible fatherhood in a bill (H RES 318) that both Democrats AND Republicans agreed upon in true bipartisan fashion, incumbent Congressman, John Tierney, can be a pretty tough guy to find.

In fact, when Bill Hudak, candidate for the 6th Congressional district of Massachusetts, and a whole lot of people interested in meeting with incumbent John Tierney for a spirited debate, arrived at Tierney's office to ask why Tierney appeared to be dodging the matter, Tierney's response was not one of profound sympathy and respect for the onslaught of taxation and bureaucracy with which his constituents were about to be saddled.  Instead, he summoned a flash mob of supporters to rush down to his office to oppose them.

Imagine that.

incumbent congressman John Tierney avoiding supporters
Instead of just bravely showing up and doing his civic duty in the usual "Town Hall" fashion, Tierney went so far as to instigate a showdown which, were it not for the peaceful intent of Bill Hudak and the rest of the crowd, could have had unfortunate consequences.  Fortunately, none of those seeking Tierney were attacked, or goaded into a melee.  But why would Tierney shirk his duty and, instead, aim to incite a confrontation?

So, if you're wondering why Congressman John Tierney might be dodging concerned citizens of Massachusetts, or ducking a spirited debate with congressional candidate Bill Hudak, don't just take this author's word for it, have a look at what another constituent has to say at DumpJohnTierney.  And if you think you've had enough of being taxed into oblivion by an incumbent who has voted in lockstep with Nancy Pelosi on most, if not all, issues, then visit Bill Hudak for Congress and start helping America dig its way out of John Tierney's fiscal nightmare.


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